2022 Annual General Meeting


You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Glenrothes Art Club (SCIO) to be held on SUNDAY 22nd May at 2pm in the Art Club Studios, Caledonia House, Saltire Centre.



1. Welcome and Opening

2. Present

3. Apologies

4. Minutes of Previous AGM held on 30th May 2021 (on website)

5. Minor Amendment to Constitution See Appendix 1

6. President’s Report

7. Treasurer’s Report

(a) Trustees Annual Report (on website)

(b) Subscription Rates 2022/23

8. Secretary’s Report

9. Election of Charity Trustees / Board of Management

10. Closing of AGM.

Open Discussion on your Art Club

Any Motions to the AGM must be submitted to the Secretary not less than seven days before the meeting.

Please note the Papers for this Meeting can be read or downloaded here:

Glenrothes Art Club SCIO Trustees Report and Accounts 2021 – 2022

Appendix 1, amendments to the Constitution ,

The minutes of the last AGM,

and the SCIO Constitution on the

Annual Reports & Constitution page on our website.

These will not be posted out unless specifically requested. Some copies will be available at the AGM.

As a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), your Art Club needs to hold an AGM. Essentially the AGM business will be : (a) noting the accounts (b) agreeing the Boards decision on 2022 / 2023 Members’ Annual Subscription and (c) election of Board Members. Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be available.

It would be unfortunate if not enough people attend to give us a quorum and the Meeting cannot proceed. I am therefore asking to you to let us know if you are planning to attend, or not. If we do not get enough positive replies, we may then have to cancel the AGM for this date.

Can I therefore ask you to contact me and confirm either way that you:-

Plan to attend


Will not attend

the AGM on Sunday 22nd May 2022 at 2pm in our Studios.

Please email: secretary@project1-itli4njba4.live-website.com

Or phone: 01592 562109

Or write to:

Gordon Hume, Secretary, Glenrothes Art Club

Caledonia House

Pentland Park

Saltire Centre



Best wishes

Gordon Hume
